Great Long Pond - MDI
There are actually two Long Ponds on Mount Desert Island. The much larger is often referred to as “Great” Long Pond, is located west of Somes Sound and Echo Lake. Much of its shoreline is Acadia National Park land. Most of the pond is within the township of Mount Desert. The southern part is within Southwest Harbor. Easy access is found at the northern end off Route 102.
If you viewed Mount Desert Island from the air, you would notice that the land appears as if a giant hand had scooped out large sections in a north south direction. In this case, the “hand” was of a giant continental glacier, as much as two miles high in sections. When the glacier melted, it left rounded mountain tops, lots of boulders, and long lakes such as the nearly 4 mile long “Great” Long Pond.
Great Long Pond Specs:
Maximum water depth: 113 feet
Boats: No horsepower limit
Cold water fishing: Landlocked salmon
Warm water fishing: Small mouth bass, chain pickerel
For more detailed information on Long Pond and Acadia National Park, visit